Mobile Programmatic Inventory Index 2024

Your guide to the evolving programmatic landscape.

Discover the latest edition of Kayzen’s Programmatic Inventory Index 2024 — your go-to resource for navigating the rapidly changing world of mobile programmatic advertising. 

This year, we’ve made our Index even more comprehensive, offering actionable data on user reach, app rankings, ad formats, and pricing across key markets such as the US, India, Japan, Germany, and more. Whether you’re optimizing ongoing campaigns or setting up new ones, our Index provides the critical insights needed to reduce campaign cold starts and further optimize performance.

Gain a competitive advantage. Get access to the Programmatic Inventory Index now!

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Here are some key takeaways and teasers lined up for you to explore.


Maximize your reach globally

From the dominance of Casual Games in the US to the widespread use of social apps in Saudi Arabia, uncover which app categories and regions offer the highest programmatic user engagement.


Optimize ad formats for impact

Learn the most effective ad formats by country, whether Banner and Native in India, Interstitials in Brazil, or Rewarded ads in Japan, to ensure your campaigns achieve maximum visibility.


Strategize with smart pricing insights

Navigate the competitive pricing landscapes of top markets like the US, India, and Germany. Understand where your budget will stretch further and where to allocate resources for the highest ROI.

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Industry Insights: Programmatic Challenges & Trends

“With 12 million DAUs, the programmatic landscape in the UK is dominated by casual games in 2024, with a reach greater than all entertainment, news, and weather apps combined. While iOS accounts for 60% of pDAUs, Android’s presence is growing, making a balanced approach more important than ever. This makes a balanced approach more important than ever. Prices remain higher on iOS, as does the likelihood of new customer spend, but this is changing quickly. Keep a close eye on the market as it’s shifting rapidly—things can change in an instant. And whatever you do, steer clear of native ads and focus on banners and interstitials.”
Hannah Parvaz
Hannah Parvaz
Founder at Aperture

"In Türkiye, running mobile programmatic campaigns comes with unique challenges. Volatile currency leads to fluctuating CPMs, complicating budget planning and cost management. The evolving data privacy regulations add further complexity, particularly in targeting and user consent. However, the shift towards in-app video advertising is growing with Türkiye’s mobile-first audience. This trend is pushing advertisers to focus more on creative optimization and storytelling while managing the unpredictable costs of premium ad inventory due to USD to TRY exchange rates."
Faheem Saiyad
Faheem Saiyad
Director at AppSamurai